Monday, October 19, 2020

A few more sketches and part sketches for my book about MY ART

This is the start of the portrait process.  The outline and a few details.  When I have that correct, then I'm ready to lay on the washes.  The first washes are thin - mostly water.  I typically use red and browns for the skin tones.  There's nothing magical about those colors; they are the colors I like in my portraits.  Sometimes, I will use shades of yellow. This material and sketches and paintings are in a new book I'm writing: "My Art" - Why I paint and how I select my material, and why I paint certain people, places and things.  What are my feelings, and more importantly, what are the models feeling?

Monday, October 12, 2020

Sketch practice

 Emma Watson about age 14-16.  Improvement needed: eyes and width to height ratio.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Ink _ Watercolor (Line and wash).

 Ink -Micron 0.01, sharpie + watercolor on 140# smooth Arches paper. Colors: purple, yellow and green washes and van dyke brown. 8x10" pic size. Photo ref-pexels website, with permission. About 3 hours start to finish.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

 Been busy today with art instead of writing.

9x9" heavy sketchbook paper.  Ink in prep for colored ink and/or watercolor - photo ref, pexels website with permission.  Micron pens - 0.01, 0.02, 0.03.  about 3 hours.   Doors done with ruler, rest freehand.  Leaves from outside.

Back to sketching

 Doing several ink sketches - expect my colored ink pens tomorrow (Micron). In this one I have left out her hair as it is going to be red. Orig foto pixabay website. 9x12" watercolor paper smooth 140# Micron 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 pens - light pencil sketch before ink.

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